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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What is the Literary Vesicle?

First of all, what is a vesicle? Synaptic vesicles are little pouches in the neuron that contain neurotransmitters. These pouches fuse with the neural membrane, releasing the neurotransmitters into the synapse (the gap between neurons) to transmit signals.

The Literary Vesicle is a vesicle of the Artistic Synapse that will release books into the Synapse (aka the book corner of the Synapse), and while doing so, take note of interesting and "artistic" transmissions from the books.

1 comment:

  1. I was procrastinating doing the orgo lab / studying for the spectroscopy exam and I came across this. This post is awesome! LOL I love "The Literary Vesicle is a vesicle of the Artistic Synapse that will release books into the Synapse"!!! hahaha
